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Fire Insurance Maps Online and Other Historical "Sanborn" Map Workshop, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 11:30am-12:30pm

This hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to the use of Fire Insurance Maps Online (FIMo), a new collection of historical "Sanborn" maps (in color) of more than 100 Tennessee towns. Sanborn maps can be used to locate specific properties and document the development of towns, large and small.

The workshop, which will also include a brief overview of other types of historical maps (e.g., USGS Historical Topographic Maps), will be led by Ken Middleton and is open to all MTSU faculty, staff and students. To explore the library's subscription to Sanborn maps on your own, see the Historical GIS LibGuide and click on "Fire Insurance Maps Online" (FIMo).

Location: Library 264A (Instruction Classroom)


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