During summer 2019, the Journal for Economic Educators (JFEE) migrated publishing platforms. It's new online home is the journal hosting service provided at MTSU Walker Library, which uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) open access platform.
Visit JFEE at https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jfee.
Vol 19 No 1 (2019) is now available online, as well as its full issue backlog. The journal is edited by Dr. Michael Roach (Middle Tennessee State University) and is published twice annually. Read more about the journal's scope, focus, and policies here.
Walker Library offers free journal hosting services to members of the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) community. All of the journals we service are digital and open access (free to read online). Walker Library established this journal hosting program to meet the needs and support the mission, values and vision of the university. See more journals published at MTSU here.